✆ 210 28 34 266 - 6932 473021
✉ info@xartogonia.gr
✆ 210 28 34 266 - 6932 473021
✉ info@xartogonia.gr

Terms of use



1.1. The website “www.xartogonia.gr” is an Electronic Commercial Store for the display and sale of products, via the Internet (hereinafter referred to as the “Online Store” or “Website” or “Website”) created and operated by the INDIVIDUAL COMPANY under the name ” ASLANOGLOU ELENI “and with the distinctive title” HARTOGONIA “(hereinafter referred to as” Operation “), based in METAMORFOSI – ATTICA, PEFKON street, no. 74, PC 14451, in GREECE, with electronic contact address: info@xartogonia.gr and telephone service line of the Online Store: 210 2834266.

Tax Identification Number: 036891035, Tax Office: N. IONIAS, GEMI: 060492803000

1.2. The following terms and conditions will apply to the use of the Online Store which is located at the email address “www.xartogonia.gr” and holds the trademark “xartogonia.gr”. Any user (natural person or legal entity) who enters and trades or uses the services of the Online Store (hereinafter referred to as “Visitor” or “User” or “Customer”, depending on whether it is limited to visiting only the store or and ordering the purchase of products) is deemed to consent and unconditionally accepts the following terms set forth herein, without exception. If a user does not agree with these terms, then he must responsibly refrain from visiting and using the Website, as well as from any transaction or use of the services of the Online Store.


2.1. The Company reserves the right to modify, renew or upgrade at any time and without prior notice to the Visitor / User / Customer of the Online Store (in whole or in part): a) part or all of these terms of use, b) part or all of the content of the Online Store and c) part or all of the external appearance (interface), structure or composition (configuration) of the Online Store, as well as its technical specifications. The Visitor / User / Customer has the obligation to read at regular intervals the terms that are in force during the preparation of the contract.

2.2. Also, the Company reserves the right at any time, unjustifiably and without prior notice to the Visitor / User / Customer of the Online Store, to cancel, suspend or terminate its operation. The Visitor / User / Customer of the Online Store recognizes and unreservedly accepts all the above with only the navigation and / or use of the services of the Online Store.

2.3. Contracts through the Online Store are drawn up in the Greek language.


3.1. The products available for sale, their characteristics, prices and available stock, are posted on the website “www.xartogonia.gr” and are accessible to all. Users can search for more information about each product by clicking on the product icon.

3.2. The Company is committed to the accuracy, truth and completeness of the information provided in the Online Store, in terms of the identity of the Company and the products provided through the Online Store. The Company is not responsible and is not bound by electronic data entries made by mistake / inadvertence during the common experience and has the right to correct them whenever it realizes their existence.

3.3. The Company in the context of its transactions from the Online Store is not responsible and is not obliged to compensate for any damage or loss arising from the cancellation of orders, non-execution or delay in their execution, for any reason. It does not guarantee the availability of the products displayed in the Online Store, but informs, based on the observed data, about the availability or not of the interested customer and undertakes in case of change of these data, to inform the customers in time about the non-availability at which time in this case he bears no further responsibility. Interested customers are informed either by phone, at the number they have declared, or via e-mail about similar products of equal or superior quality and value, which they can order. If the Visitor / User / Customer does not wish to order such similar products, the Company undertakes to refund in full the amount that the Visitor / User / Customer may have paid in full.

3.4. The Online Store provides the content (eg information, names, photos, illustrations), products and services available through the website “exactly as they are”.

3.5. The prices listed in the Online Store include VAT (24%), while the Online Store “www.xartogonia.gr” reserves the right to adjust prices without having to inform the consumer public.


4.1. All the content of the Online Store, including the distinctive titles, signs, images, graphics, photos, drawings, texts, etc. are the intellectual property of the Company and are protected under the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions. It is forbidden to copy, distribute, transfer, process, resell, create a production or mislead the public about the actual provider of the content of the website. Reproduction, uploading, announcement, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the content in any way or medium for commercial or other purposes is permitted only with the prior written consent of the Company or any other copyright holder.

4.2. The names, images, logos and insignia that are listed and describe the Online Store “www.xartogonia.gr” or the products or services of the Company are assets of the Company, protected by the relevant laws on trademarks and industrial and intellectual property . Their use in the Online Store does not in any case provide a license or right to use them by third parties.

4.3. No part of this site may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the Company. Otherwise, the above actions will be considered as an infringement of the intellectual / commercial property rights of the Company, which reserves the right to claim any positive and negative damage caused to it, in accordance with the provisions of applicable law.


5.1. The Company puts up for sale the products of the Online Store in accordance with these terms of use and applicable law. The Company is not responsible for any damages or losses that may be caused to customers and / or users of the Online Store, other than the obligation to return, correct (if possible) or replace products in accordance with the terms of use.

5.2. The Company is not responsible for any kind of damage (positive, special or negative, which indicatively and not restrictively, divisively and / or cumulatively consists of loss of profits, data, lost profits, monetary satisfaction, etc.) suffered by the Visitor / User / Customer of the Electronic Store or a third party for reasons related to the operation or use of its services, pages, services, options and contents and / or the inability to provide services and / or information available from it and / or any unauthorized interventions of third parties to products and / or services and / or information available through it. The above reasons include possible errors or omissions during the electronic registration of the information provided (prices, product features, etc.), as well as errors, omissions or technical reasons of any nature, which affect or suspend for a reasonable period of time the operation of the Online Store and / or of its services.

5.3. The Company does not bear any responsibility, in cases of improper operation of the Online Store or in general inability or inadequate provision of its services due to accidental events or reasons of force majeure or reasons caused by the fault of other bodies.

5.4. The Company takes all appropriate measures so that access to the Online Store and its services is, as far as possible, continuous and uninterrupted. However, it reserves the reasonable right to terminate the operation of the Online Store and / or the individual services for the performance of system maintenance work without prior notice to the user.


6.1. The Visitor / User / Customer agrees and undertakes to use the services, information and data of the Online Store as provided by law and based on the rules of good faith and transactional ethics.

6.2. The Visitor / User / Customer is obliged not to use the Online Store with the trademark “www.xartogonia.gr” for: 1) sending, publishing, sending by e-mail or transmission by other means of any content that is illegal for any reason , causes illegal insult and damage to the Company or any third party or violates the confidentiality or confidentiality of information of any person; , minors, etc. 3) sending, publishing, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting any content for which users are not entitled to transmit in accordance with the law or applicable conventions (such as internal information; property and confidential information obtained or disclosed as part of an employment relationship or covered by confidentiality agreements), 4) dispatch , publishing, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting any content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary right of any kind; 5) sending, publishing, e-mailing or transmitting otherwise any hardware that contains software viruses or any other code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, damage, destroy, or equip any computer software or hardware; 6) intentional or unintentional breach of applicable law or regulations; 7) harassing third parties in any way; 8) collecting or storing personal data about other users.


7.1. All issues related to the use of the Website “www.xartogonia.gr”, as well as the sales contracts concluded through it will be governed and resolved in accordance with Greek Law.

7.2. For any dispute that arises between the Visitor / User / Customer and the Company regarding the use of the Online Store and the sales contracts concluded through it, the Courts of Athens will be exclusively competent.


8.1. Any provision of the above terms becomes contrary to law or is considered invalid by a court decision, automatically ceases to be valid and is removed from here, without in any way affecting the validity of the other terms, which are still valid.

8.2. Any concession, granting of a deadline or non-application of one or more of these terms by the Company does not constitute in any case and can not be interpreted as a waiver, temporary or final, partial or total, of any right or claim arising from them or by the law.

8.3. The connection of the Website with other Websites through links, is done only for the convenience of the users / members. The Online Store “www.xartogonia.gr” is not responsible for any damage that may be caused by the use of links to other websites, as well as for the information that may be included in the web pages of their links. The Online Store “www.xartogonia.gr” does not bear any responsibility for the content of the pages to which it maintains links, nor is it responsible for the security policy of other nodes, as well as for the way of managing their electronic visitors.

8.4. The Online Store “www.xartogonia.gr” is not responsible for any direct or indirect, positive or negative damage to users / members of its Website, which is due to illegal acts of third parties (eg interception or decryption of codes and data) , the spread of viruses or other similar elements (eg worms, trojan horses) while using the Website, or the reproduction (download) of content or problems that may occur during the use of computers (eg data loss, etc.).

8.5. The Visitor / User / Customer of the Online Store “www.xartogonia.gr” understands and accepts that he retains the sole responsibility to compensate the Online Store “www.xartogonia.gr” and its partners for any legal dispute arising between it and third parties due to the content that he has available for posting, publication, or other transfer through the services of the Online Store “www.xartogonia.gr”.

8.6. The Visitor / User / Customer understands and accepts that the Online Store “www.xartogonia.gr” reserves the exclusive right to terminate the use of his / her passwords to his services and / or to terminate the distribution of its content to users / members who believes that they have violated the letter and the spirit of these terms of use.

8.7. The Online Store “www.xartogonia.gr” has no responsibility for the communication of the Visitor / User / Customer with the third parties that are advertised in the Online Store “www.xartogonia.gr” and for any commercial transaction that may arise from the relationship between them.

8.8. The Online Store “www.xartogonia.gr” is not responsible for any personal data that appear on other websites, through directory services (portals) and search engines (search engines).

8.9. In case a Visitor / User / Customer requests from the respective technical managers of the Online Store “www.xartogonia.gr” the treatment of any problem in relation to the services provided (eg access problem, problem with e-mail, etc), then the person in charge of the problem can access the full range of information about the user’s request (messages, links, etc). The responsible administrator is bound by this privacy statement.


9.1. According to the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU 2016/679), the network of personal data protection is strengthened, the rights of the person whose data are processed are more adequately secured. Therefore, the person in charge of the Online Store “www.xartogonia.gr” is obliged to inform and request the permission of the customer / user regarding:

– Ability to access his personal data, when it is processed.

Possibility of requesting correction or completion of incomplete data, from the controller.

Possibility of requesting deletion (forgetting) of his personal data under certain conditions (revocation of consent, illegal acquisition, absence of compelling and legal reasons for processing, etc.).

Possibility to object to the processing of personal data, if the controller does not demonstrate compelling reasons for such processing.

9.2. In addition, the data controller is obliged to:

– To obtain the consent of the client of personal data, where required and to be able to prove this consent if requested.

– Do not process personal data of minors under 16 years of age, without the prior consent of the parent. The controller should verify this consent, by any means offered by the available technology.

Do not process personal data that discloses racial or ethnic origin, political views, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union affiliation, health, sexuality or sexual orientation.

– To report, inform the affected customers / users from any violation or unauthorized incident concerning their personal data, as soon as possible.

– To report to the competent regulatory body for any violation or unauthorized incident concerning the personal data of customers / users, within 72 hours, so that the extent of the damage is limited.

9.3. In case of violation of the articles of the Regulation, for the imposition of administrative fines, the body of the legislation takes care.


Details of the PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION POLICY are reported in detail in the respective annex of the Website.


10.1. The User / Customer has the right to return the products he bought and to request their replacement or payment of the price he has paid: a) in all cases in which with proven fault of the Online Store “www.xartogonia.gr” were delivered products other than or substantially different from those ordered; is under warranty, in which case the terms of the warranty apply or (ii) if there is no warranty under (i) the legal limitation of the buyer’s rights has not occurred or the missing property is not significant.

10.2. The User / Customer also has the right to request the return of the product purchased and to request their replacement with another product or products up to the amount of the price paid or a refund of the price paid for this product, within fourteen ( 14) days from the delivery of the product (excluding shipping costs), even without having to state a specific reason for which he requests this return.

10.3. The Online Store “www.xartogonia.gr” is responsible for compensation, up to the amount of the price, in case of lack of agreed quality or the existence of a defect only if it has been caused by his fault, in which case he is not responsible for slight negligence.

10.4. In all cases, the product to be replaced-repaired must be accompanied by the original proof of purchase. For all the above cases the products to be replaced-repaired must be in the condition received by the customer, complete and without damage and their packaging must be the one that normally accompanies the product and be in excellent condition, along with all documents which accompanied the product (eg TDA, DA, Retail Rep.). Before each return, it is recommended to consult with the Online Store “www.xartogonia.gr”. In any case, the return and replacement is possible under the following conditions: 1) contact the Online Store “www.xartogonia.gr” the same day or the next working day, 2) in case of product change within fourteen (14) days with another or other up to the amount of the price, 3) withdrawal within fourteen (14) days according to article 4 par. 10 of law 2251/1994, the product must not have been used, 4) the product is accompanied by all necessary documents proving the transaction (eg TDA, DA, Retail Rep.).


11.1. The cancellation of the order can be done in the following cases: 1) Before the order is completed, during the electronic order process you can stop the process in time, 2) If the electronic order has been completed, but the product has not been shipped yet, you can call 210 2834266 and one of our partners will cancel your order, 3) After receiving the product, call us at 210 2834266 or contact us via the e-mail form on the website, explaining the reason you wish to cancel the order . One of our partners will serve you immediately and will inform you about all your options, 4) In case your order has already been invoiced and you wish to cancel it, then contact me at 210 2834266 and give the details of your order.

11.2. The pricing policy of the Company’s products is the same in the store and in the Online Store “www.xartogonia.gr”. However, in many selected products, their price in the Online Store differs from the store and is valid only for purchases through this Online Store and shipping to your place. In any case, although we make every effort for the accurate indication of the data and prices that we quote in our Online Store, we can not exclude the possibility of typographical or technical errors in prices and product features.


12.1. The Online Store “www.xartogonia.gr”, has the ability to use cookies as part of the facility and operation of services through our Website. Cookies are small files (text files), which are sent and stored on the user’s computer, allowing Websites to operate smoothly and without technical anomalies, to collect multiple user options, to identify frequent users, to facilitate their access to it, and to collect data to improve the content of the Website. Cookies do not cause harm to users’ computers or to the files stored on them. We use cookies to provide you with information and to process your orders, while each time you exit our Website, they are automatically deleted. You must keep in mind that cookies are absolutely necessary in order for the Website “www.xartogonia.gr” to function properly and smoothly.



The information that cookies collect may include the type of browser you are using, the type of computer, its operating system, Internet service providers and other such information. In addition, the Website Information System automatically collects information about the sites you visit and the links to third-party websites that you may select through our Website.

More information about cookies, how to manage and delete them, can be found at www.aboutcookies.org.
